Access knowledge on postgrowth cities
Research on and action for postgrowth cities is ongoing. On this page you can access publications on postgrowth cities and urban degrowth. Many of these works are produced by members of the Postgrowth City Coalition. Here you can find links to the original platforms on which these writings have been published.
By Yousaf Nishat-Botero and Matt Thompson: chapter in Gallent, N. and Gkartzios, M. and Scott, M. and Purves, A. (Eds). (2025) Postcapitalist countrysides: from commoning to community wealth building. [Book].
By Daniel Petrovics and Federico Savini in Energy Research & Social Science.
By Julia Spanier in Geoforum.
By Sofia Greaves and Tess Doezema in Nature and Culture.
By Giuseppe Feola in Degrowth Journal.
By Benedikt Schmid in Urban Studies.
By Benedikt Schmid, Carola Fricke and Cathrin Zengerling in Urban Planning.
By Angelos Varvarousis, Georgios Kallis, Claudio Catanneo, et al. in Sustainability Science.
By Elisa Schramm, Javier Lloveras and Mario Pansera in Local Environment.
Chapter by Anitra Nelson, in Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice (edited by Ralph Horne, Aimee Ambrose, Gordon Walker and Anitra Nelson).
Chapter by Anitra Nelson, in Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice (edited by Ralph Horne, Aimee Ambrose, Gordon Walker and Anitra Nelson).
By Mirte Jepma, Federico Savini and Alessandro Coppola in International Journal of Housing Policy.
By Anna Pagani, Alex Macmillan, Federico Savini, Michael Davies, and Nici Zimmermann.
By Elisa Schramm, published in Cultural Geographies.
By Anitra Nelson, published in Human Geography.
By Matthew Thompson, Charlotte Cator, David Beel, Ian Rees Jones, Martin Jones and Kevin Morgan, published in Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
How to build a strategy that, from the grassroots, makes degrowth mainstream in cities. By Federico Savini, published in Planning Theory.
by Richard Bärnthaler, published in Ecological Economics.
By Anton Brokow-Loga (Bauhaus University of Weimar) and Frank Eckardt (Bauhaus University of Weimar).
A special issue from the journal ‘Urban Planning,’ co-edited by Marco Bontje (University of Amsterdam), Joop de Kraker (Maastricht University / Open University), and Christian Scholl (Maastricht University).
By Nicole J. van den Berg, Andries F. Hof, Vanessa Timmer, Lewis Akenji and Detlef P. van Vuuren, 2024.
By Julia Spanier, Jacob Smessaert, Leonie Guerrero Lara, Guilherme Raj and Laura van Oers, University of Utrecht
Urban Degrowth by Benedikt Schmid, 2024.
In De Gruyter Handbook of Degrowth, edited by Lauren Eastwood and Kai Heron, 2024.
By Jenny Pickerill, Tendai chitewere, natasha cornea, Joshua lockyer, rachel Macrorie, Jan Malý Blažek and anitra nelson, 2024.
By Julia Spanier, Leonie Guerrero Lara and Giuseppe Feola, 2023.
By AKC Collective, 2023.
By Rafael Córdoba Hernández and Federico Camerin, 2023.
By Vera Diogo, 2023.
By Barbara Pizzo, Angela Barbanente and Silvio Cristiano, 2023.
By Giuseppe Feola, Michael Goodman, Jaime Suzunaga and Jenny Soler, 2023.
By Ana Poças, 2023.
By Wojciech Kębłowski, 2023.
By Matthew Thompson and Colin Lorne, 2023.
Elisa Schramm, 2023.
By Roberta Cucca, Michael Friesenecker and Thomas Thaler, 2023.
By Gavin Daly, 2023.
By Simone Tulumello and Myrto Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou, 2023.
By Luca Maria Francesco Fabris, Federico Camerin, Gerardo Semprebon and Riccardo Maria Balzarotti, 2023.
By Byeongsun Ahn, Michael Friesenecker, Yuri Kazepov and Jana Brandl, 2023.
By Crelis F. Rammelt, Joyeeta Gupta, Diana Liverman, Joeri Scholtens, Daniel Ciobanu, Jesse F. Abrams, Xuemei Bai, Lauren Gifford, Christopher Gordon, Margot Hurlbert, Cristina Y. A. Inoue, Lisa Jacobson, Steven J. Lade, Timothy M. Lenton, David I. Armstrong McKay, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Chukwumerije Okereke, Ilona M. Otto, Laura M. Pereira, Klaudia Prodani, Johan Rockström, Ben Stewart-Koster, Peter H. Verburg and Caroline Zimm, 2023.
By Mina Di Marino, Roberta Cucca, Thomas Thaler and Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, 2023.
By Mateus Lira and Hug March, 2023.
Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld and António Ferreira, 2023.
Laura Roth, Bertie Russell and Matthew Thompson, 2023.
By Benedikt Schmid, 2023.
By Federico Savini, 2023.
By Matthew Thompson and Yousaf Nishat-Botero, 2023.
By Anton Brokow-Loga and Timmo Krüger, 2023.
By Ben Rogers, Nuno F. da Cruz, Francesco Ripa and Imogen Hamilton-Jones, 2023.
By Dona Geagea, Maria Kaika and Jampel Dell’Angelo, 2023.
By Filka Sekulova, Isabelle Anguelovski and Lucía Argüelles, 2023.
By Martin Calisto Friant, Katie Reid, Peppi Boesler, Walter J. V. Vermeulen and Roberta Salomone, 2023.
By Nicole Jane van den Berg, 2023.
By Federico Demaria with a preface by Joan Martinez-Alier, 2023.
By Daniel Durrant, Christian Lamker and Yvonne Rydin, 2023.
By Simone Tulumello, 2023.
By Ibai de Juan Ayuso, Carmen Hidalgo Giralt and Antonio Palacios García, 2023.
By Olga Vincent and Amanda Brandellero
By Martin Calisto Friant, Walter J. V. Vermeulen and Roberta Salomone, 2023.
By Ciska Ulug, Ying-Tzu Lin and Jannes Willems, 2023.
By Federico Camerin, 2023.
Maria Kaika, Angelos Varvarousis, Federico Demaria and Hug March, 2023.
By Jacob Smessaert and Julia Spanier, 2023.
By Richard Bärnthaler, Andreas Novy & Basil Stadelmann
By Olga Vincent, 2022.
Emma Jo Griffith, Mirte Jepma & Federico Savini, 2022.
By Isabel Ruiz-Mallén, Mar Satorras, Hug March and Francesc Baró, 2022.
By Patrick Léon Gross, 2022.
By Leonie Guerrero Lara, Laura van Oers, Jacob Smessaert, Julia Spanier, Guilherme Raj and Giuseppe Feola1, 2022.
By Karl Krähmer, 2022.
By Nadia Johanisova, Lucie Sovová and Eva Fraňková, 2022.
By Federico Savini and Daan Bossuyt, 2022.
By Andrej Grubačić, Julien-François Gerber and Andro Rilović, 2022.
by Jere Kuzmanic, 2022.
Edited By Federico Savini, António Ferreira and Kim von Schönfeld, 2022.
By Anitra Nelson, 2022.
By Bertie Russell, Keir Milburn and Kai Heron, 2022.
By Ottavia Cima and Lucie Sovová, 2022.
By Wojciech Kębłowski, 2022.
By Julien-François Gerber, 2022.
By Jere Kuzmanic, 2021.
By Karl Krähmer, 2021.
By Imogen Hamilton-Jones and Tomas de Groot, 2021.
By Lucie Sovová, Petr Jehlička and Petr Daněk, 2021.
By Izabela Mironowicz, 2021. Translated title “The end of the era of houses with a garden?”
By Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld en Jannes Willems, 2021.
By Ciska Ulug, 2021.
In Franzini, Lucian; Herzog, Roland; Rutz, Simon; Ryser, Franziska; Ziltener, Kathrin; Zwicky, Pascal (Ed.): Post-Walkdom? Current debates about fundamental social change. DenkNetz Yearbook 2021. pp. 169-176.
By Olivia Bina and Lavinia Pereira, In “Planning Just Futures” Edited by Marisa A. Zapata and Lisa K. Bates, 2021.
Roberta Cucca and Michael Friesenecker, 2021.
By Manuel B. Aalbers, Cody Hochstenbach, Jelke Bosma and Rodrigo Fernandez, 2021.
By Kersty Hobson, 2021.
By Federico Savini, 2021.
By Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld and António Ferreira, 2021.
By Ciska Ulug and Elen-Maarja Trellm, 2020.
By Martin Calisto Frianta, Walter J.V. Vermeulena and Roberta Salomoneb, 2020.
By Olivia Bina, Andy Inch and Lavínia Pereira, 2020.
By Oona Morrow and Brenda Parker, 2020.
By Oona Morrow and Anna Davies, 2020.
By Elisabetta Mocca, Michael Friesenecker and Yuri Kazepov, 2020.
By António Ferreira and Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld, 2020.
By Benedikt Schmid, 2020.
By Giuseppe Feola, Marlyne Sahakian and Claudia Binder, 2020.
By Crelis F. Rammelt, 2020.
By António Ferreira, Joana Ribeiro-Santos and Isabel Breda-Vázquez, 2020.
By Wojciech Kębłowski and David Bassens, 2017.
By Bertie Russell, 2019.
Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros, 2017.
By Anna Nikolaeva, Peter Adey, Tim Cresswell, Jane Yeonjae Lee, Andre Nóvoa and Cristina Temenos, 2018.
Edited by Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria and Giorgos Kallis, 2014.
By Crelis F. Rammelt and Jan Boes, 2013.
By Anitra Nelson and François Schneider, 2019.
By Antonio Ferreira, Luca Bertolini and Petter Næss, 2017.
Vasilis Niaros, 2016.
Jin Xue, 2014.
By Gabriel Weber, Ignazio Cabras, Maria Calaf-Forn, Ignasi Puig-Ventosa and Giacomo D’Alisa, 2019.
By Hug March and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, 2016.
By Giuseppe Feola and Richard Nunes, 2013.
By Molly Scott Cato, 2013.
By Crelis F. Rammelt, 2019.
By Roberta Cucca, 2012.
By Oona Morrow and Deborah G. Martin, 2019.