Access knowledge on postgrowth cities
Research on and action for postgrowth cities is ongoing. On this page you can access publications on postgrowth cities and urban degrowth. Many of these works are produced by members of the Postgrowth City Coalition. Here you can find links to the original platforms on which these writings have been published.
Lecture by Jeff Diamanti on the political ecology of the Sea Lock in IJmuider, The Netherlands. The Lecture was given as part of the Masterstudio of Postgrowth Planning, January 2025, organized in Amsterdam.
This is a video of the public lecture held by Federico Savini at the Pakhuis De Zwijger in Amsterdam, on November 18th. The audience is non-academic, and the lecture introduces the topic of degrowth from a perspective on ideology.
The lecture was part of the SEICA seminar series at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, carried out on 19th November 2024. The lecture is based on the publication ‘Strategic planning for degrowth: What, who, how’, in the journal Planning Theory.
Lecture by Brototi Roy, Postgrowth Cities Sessions at the University of Amsterdam, June 2024.
A teaser for the publication by Federico Savini. access at
Keynote presentations by Federico Savini (part 1) and David Fanfani (part 2) at Science Po Lille, in occasion of symposium ‘Transformer ou substituer: Décroissance urbaine et biorégionalisme, 1st December 2023.
Guest lecture by Anitra Nelson (University of Melbourne, Australia) in the course ‘Critical Approaches to Global Sustainability Challenges’ at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, on 27 February 2024.
By Oona Morrow, Postgrowth cities sessions at University of Amsterdam, 2024.
Lecture on Degrowth, urbanization and spatial planning. Lecture at KTH University of Stockholm. 7 february 2024
“Towards a circular degrowth economy: explaining the material valorisation regime of city-regions”; a critique of Circular Economy and advocates for degrowth-inspired circularity.
With Federico Savini, 2023.
Post-growth, degrowth, de donut, de commons en de circulaire economie: een korte handleiding.
With Federico Savini, 2023.
The 3rd Utrecht Degrowth Symposium took place at Utrecht University, bringing together policymakers and civil servants, researchers, students, farmers, social movements to explore what a degrowth perspective can bring to the debate on agri-food system sustainability, 2023.
By Martin Calisto Friant at the Post Growth Cities Sessions, 2023.
For her PhD Ana Poças studied what influences consumption and how we can change it Ana has been also involved in activism for climate, degrowth, cities for people, and sustainable mobility, 2023.
Presentation of the book Post-growth planning cities beyond the market economy by Federico Savini, May 2023. At University of Vienna, Urban Futures Institute.
Honorary degree Professor Luca Bertolini, 2023.
Towards an urban degrowth: an introduction for environmental studies. Lecture by Federico Savini, performed at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 17 November 2023.
What binds planning to growth and how to move beyond a growth-based urban development? Who owns our cities and what is the role of commoning practices in future degrowth transformations of the urban? Online lecture by Angelos Varvarousis, 2022.
While many local governments are looking for shiny technological innovations in the Global North that can serve as magic bullets, a group of researchers remind us that waste is already managed by millions of waste pickers. With Maria Jose Zapata Campos, 2022.
How to organize grassroots urban governance beyond ‘good intentions’ and beyond participation as a token? How to set up meaningful dialogue and collaboration within complex urban processes across differences and inequalities? How to translate progressive and radical positions into actual tangible solutions for the better, without being instrumentalized or instrumentalizing others?
Professor Paul Chatterton outlines some of the key challenges and solutions that are emerging in cities as a response to the triple emergencies – climate, social and nature, 2021.
Built in 1972 during the dictatorship regime, 12 apartment blocks in Peristeri, a western suburb of Athens, attempted to house thousands of refugees. Today, this small city within the city is portrayed as a mosaic of diverse people and urban spaces. By Mina Archontaki and Stella Archontaki, 2020.
Kersty Hobson’s research interests focus on issues of social and environmental transformation, particularly in the fields of sustainable production and consumption, and multi-level environmental governance, 2020.
Everything you always wanted to know about dNM (but were afraid to ask), explained in just under 10 minutes! dNM initiator Selçuk Balamir talks about the origins, principles and ambitions of the project, on the location where the housing cooperative will be built in 2021-2022. With Selçuk Balamir, 2020.
With Anitra Nelson and Francois Schneider on Housing for Degrowth (book) at the International Degrowth Conference in Malmo, 2018.
By Angelos Varvarousis
Book Presentation: Centre of Urban Studies Amsterdam
What is the relationship between cities and economic growth?
With Federico Savini
With Federico Savini, Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld, Cody Hochstenbach, Melissa Koutouzis and Winne van Woerden
Postgrowth + Spatial Planning = ?. Statements and discussions on bringing postgrowth research into planning thought. Establishing links to challenge (un-)questiones institutional norms and values and (un-)conscious individual drivers of planning practices. With Christian Lamker, ongoing.